Godspeed & God Bless!!!
Hello everyone, it gives me pleasure to welcome and greet you all to our very own website of a positive school culture advocate, Doce Martires Elementary School.
This web page means to give information, dissemination and serves you wholeheartedly, our beloved stakeholders and benefactors of DMES for you to connect and easily access to our vision and mission that appertained to the programs, projects, and activities of the school. This forum also accommodates crucial orders, memorandums, and advisories of the Department of Education ascribed and ordered to the Official flatforms of the school, San Narciso District, DepEd Zambales up to the National level. Hence, it is a database wherein it could be a great help and beneficial to all queries that might encountered while visiting our website.
Feel free to visit, consider and accelerate the significance of this school website. Thank you very much!